Implementing the Code4Kids curriculum at your school couldn’t be easier. Here’s what you need to know:
1. Step-By-Step Curriculum. The curriculum is designed to keep students engaged with relevant content that is up-to-date with ever-changing set of skills requirements. Lessons are aligned to the new proposed CAPS curriculum for Grade 4-9, the CSTA (Computer Science Teachers Association), ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), CAPS, CBSE, KS2/3 curricula as well as following the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) web standards. The program also strongly incorporates Project-Based Learning (PBL) and interleaves lessons with CAPS across curriculum knowledge areas.
2. Professional Development & Easy Implementation for Teachers. Teachers will also learn! We implement initial teacher training as well as what we call continuous ‘just-in-time’ training that takes 10 to 15 minutes every week. No prior coding knowledge is required by your teacher, and no need to fear, the Code4Kids team is there to support throughout the year.
3. Tools & Classroom Resources. You will have everything you need to run your class: from instruction videos, to printable classroom posters.
For more information or to setup a demo, contact Brian Mushongera at or