Cambridge Connect comes to the aid of teachers when teaching Internet, e-Communication and Application Skills in the new Foundation Phase subject, Coding and Robotics.
The strand of the internet and e-communications skills prepares learners to interact safely in a digital online and offline world. The following concepts and skills are taught in the strand:
- Digital identity and security
- Safety around the use of Digital platforms
- Various types of essential e-communication technologies or platforms
- The primary networks and the Internet
- The safe use of web browsers to search for information.
Application Skills comprise end-user skills that are used on different digital platforms. Learners in Foundation Phase are introduced to other digital platforms and taught about the various user interfaces and functions of applications on the devices.
The Application Skills strand teaches the following skills and content:
- The use of digital devices
- The use of applications and user interfaces.
Download the Cambridge Connect Coding and Robotics brochure here.