
We would like to encourage all elligible organisations involved in providing products and services to the educational market in South Africa to join ADESSA. What are the requirements for Membership?

In order to maintain the credibility of the Association and its Code of Practice, ADESSA has strict eligibility criteria against which each application is compared. ADESSA publicises the criteria to the buyers of educational products and services to heighten awareness of the commitment of both ADESSA and its members to the education and training market.

Organisations wishing to join ADESSA must:

  • be independent of their customers and not enjoy any special status with them which has not been achieved by a commercial process
  • be subject to normal trading arrangements and commercial in outlook and operations
  • be trading fairly and have done so for two years prior to gaining Membership
  • be able to show that they are financially sound
  • derive revenue from the sale of goods and services to the South African education and training market and have done so for a minimum of 2 years prior to application
  • have an established business record and be in a position to supply details of satisfied customers who have purchased their products or services during the previous 2 years
  • provide evidence, if requested, of their ability to fully comply with the Code of Practice as set out by the Association
  • have a South African base and either be South African registered companies or firms based solely in South Africa for a period of 2 years prior to application

How can I apply for membership?

To apply for membership, an organisation needs to do the following:

  • Complete the application form and fax or email it to ADESSA.
  • The application will be considered by the ADESSA executive committee.
  • If the application is successful, the organisation must pay the membership dues.

How much does membership cost?

Joining Fee – R2500
Monthly Fee – R395

Download Application Form

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