Employee training and skills development initiatives are not just business imperatives, they’re leadership ones. They are the foundations on which organisations build the leaders and managers of tomorrow through intelligent programmes and approaches that recognise internal value, employee potential, and the importance of cultivating a culture of growth, learning and innovation.
It is important to recognise that training and skills development have to be managed intelligently and offer employees more than a mandatory tick box or perfunctory learning curve. Done right, training can foster a culture of intrapreneurship and growth. Employees will feel connected to the business and to their personal and professional growth within the company. Done wrong, it’s an expensive investment into a learning platform that sees little engagement and even fewer results.
“Transformational leadership isn’t the exclusive remit of the C-suite or the managers,” says Paul Hanly, Founder of New Leaf Technologies. “It is felt in the intrapreneur – the employee that has been empowered to innovate within their role and to explore new ways of working with confidence. It is felt in the resilience of employees who are committed to the company and interested in how its growth will impact their own. And it is felt by HR professionals who see measurable returns on their training investments.”
The people you invest into today are going to be trained with the skills and approaches that you need for your business tomorrow.
“The past two years have really highlighted the importance of investing into people and their futures within the company,” concludes Hanly. “It gives them confidence in their roles and in their career growth, and it gives them a sense of value – leadership can see their promise and is investing into it.”
New Leaf Technologies provides organisations with a smart and customisable eLearning platform that they can use to upskill and engage with their employees. Using the variety of training programmes, learning activities and practical training solutions on offer from aNewSpring, or the eLearning content authoring tool that allows for the organisation to build its own programmes using templates and custom functionality, the business can take skills development beyond the traditional and into the extraordinary.